List of all previous recipients

So many of ASSE International's members and chapters have contributed greatly to our organization and have been recognized for their contributions. Below is the ASSE International Awards Archive list of recipients.

Salvatore J. Farruggia Presidential Award Jason Shank
Most New Members Award Pennsylvania Chapter
Dewey R. Dedrick Jr. Award Central Texas Chapter
Patrick J. Higgins Award Daniel Rademacher
Rand Ackroyd Award Rita Neiderheiser
Fellow (FASSE) Award Kenneth Schneider
Henry B. Davis Award Dana Colombo


  • Fellow (FASSE) Award: Shabbir Rawalpindiwala and Phil Roach
  • Henry B. Davis Award: Kurt Steenhoek
  • Salvatore J. Farruggia Presidential Award: Daniel Rademacher
  • Patrick J. Higgins Award: Tsan-Liang Su
  • Rand Ackroyd Award: John Jordan
  • Most New Members Award: Wisconsin Chapter
  • Newest Chapter Certificate: Central Texas Chapter
  • Fellow (FASSE) Award: Paul Baker, Jaime Valdivia and Debbie Vukovich
  • Henry B. Davis Award: Douglas A. Marian
  • Salvatore J. Farruggia Presidential Award: Rich Prospal
  • Patrick J. Higgins Award: Chris Haldiman
  • Rand Ackroyd Award: Michael Eisenhauer
  • Most New Members Award: California Chapter 
  • Best Media Presence:  New York Chapter
  • Fellow (FASSE) Award: John Parizek and Dr. Tsan-Liang Su
  • Henry B. Davis Award: Rita Neiderheiser
  • Salvatore J. Farruggia Presidential Award: Russ Chaney
  • Patrick J. Higgins Award: Jason Shank
  • Rand Ackroyd Award: Bernie Clark
  • Dewey R. Dedrick Jr. Award: Michigan Chapter
  • Most New Members Award: Wisconsin Chapter 
  • Best Chapter Newsletter Award: Illinois Chapter
  • Best Chapter Website Award: New York Chapter
  • Fellow (FASSE) Award: Vincent Armenti and Joseph Munafo
  • Henry B. Davis Award: Paul Baker
  • Salvatore J. Farruggia Presidential Award: Jason Shank
  • Patrick J. Higgins Award: Ken Schneider
  • Rand Ackroyd Award: John Parizek
  • Dewey R. Dedrick Jr. Award: New York Chapter
  • Most New Members Award: Wisconsin Chapter 
  • Best Media Presence Award: New York Chapter
  • Fellow (FASSE) Award: Gary Bittner, John Higdon and Jim Finley
  • Henry B. Davis Award: Joe Kajak
  • Salvatore J. Farruggia Presidential Award: Jaime Valdivia
  • Patrick J. Higgins Award: Brianne Hall
  • Rand Ackroyd Award: Donald R. Summers, Jr.
  • Dewey R. Dedrick Jr. Award: Florida Chapter
  • Most New Members Award: New York Chapter
  • Best Media Presence Award: New York Chapter
  • Recognition Award: Dick Morin
  • Fellow (FASSE) Award: Larry Coleman
  • Henry B. Davis Award: Robert A. Cross
  • Salvatore J. Farruggia Presidential Award: Paul Baker and Jaime Valdivia
  • Patrick J. Higgins Award: John A. Parizek
  • Most New Members Award:  New York Chapter
  • Best Chapter Newsletter Award: New York Chapter
  • Best Chapter Website Award: New York Chapter
  • Fellow (FASSE) Award: Vincent England, John M. KHYM, Douglas A. Marian, and Jason ShankRaymond A. Ehrlich
  • Salvatore J. Farruggia Presidential Award: ASSE Staff and Donald R. Summers Jr.
  • Patrick J. Higgins Award: Paul R. Bladdick
  • Rand Ackroyd Award: Stuart F. Asay, Ph.D
  • Most New Members Award: Illinois and New York Chapters
  • Best Chapter Newsletter Award: Northern Ohio Chapter
  • Best Chapter Website Award: New York Chapter
  • Fellow (FASSE) Award: Michael Sherer and Matt Marciniak
  • Henry B. Davis Award: Jim Finley
  • Salvatore J. Farruggia Presidential Award: Dana Colombo
  • Patrick J. Higgins Award: Jim Majerowicz
  • Rand Ackroyd Award: Sean Cleary
  • Dewey R. Dedrick, Jr. Award: Florida Chapter
  • Most New Members Award:  New York Chapter
  • Best Chapter Newsletter Award: Northern Ohio Chapter
  • Best Chapter Website Award: New York Chapter
  • Wylie W. Mitchell Award: Jim Ford

Pre-2015 ARCHIVE

Year Recipient (Member) Recipient (Non-Member)
 2014 Jason Shank  
2013 Donald R. Summers, Jr.  
2012 John Flader  
2011 Joseph Fugelo  
2010 Sean Cleary  
2009 Paul R. Bladdick
Robert D. Tesar
2008 Patrick Sugrue  
2007 Diana J. Corcoran  
2006 Carl Triphahn  
2005 Robert R. Robinson  
2004 Kenneth J. Kerr
Robert Zeuner
2003 Carl Schroeder
Joseph C. Zaffuto, PE
2002 Edward J. Lyczko  
2001 Gunnar O. Collins  
2000 Richard J. Prospal  
1999 Rand H. Ackroyd  
1998 Gerald D. Phariss
Donald M. Reichartz
1997 Richard H. Morin  
1996 George H. Bliss, III
John E. Matthews, PE
1995 Patrick J. Higgins
Valentine A. Lehr, PE
1994 Salvatore J. Farruggia  
1993 John R. Nussbaum  
1992 Clifford I. Storm  
1991 George E. Broomell, Jr.
Thaddeus R. Gillen
1990 Charles A. Peebles.
Robert C. Schnarr, PE
1989 John F. Harkins  
1988 Joseph S. Petro  
1987 C.J. Bielanski
Richard H. Toder, PE
1986 Herbert Panzer
Dominic Soffietto
1985 Sidney Volov  
1984 A. Richard Hirsch  
1983 William J. Reichert  
1982 Mark C. Nottingham
Rosemary Shere
1981 Morris H. Weinberg  
1980 Charlie J. Hall, Sr.
Robert S. Wyly
Harold N. Runsdorf, M.D.
1979 Arthur Bayen
Edward Brabec
1978 Albert Cohen
Ervin Mirr
1977 James E. Lewis  
1976 Sanford Schwartz  
1975 Wendell M. Dillon
Michael Mercury
1974 I.D. Jacobson
Thomas F. McCarthy
1973 James C. Church  
1972 George H. Smart Stephen J. Lamb
1971 Louis W. Gellert  
1970 William R. Koenig
Wylie W. Mitchell
1969 C. Frank Shaw  
1968 Edward J. Zimmer
Robert L. Wallace
Glen T. Kellogg
1967 Raymond J. Brown  
1966 Wesley R. Parker  
1965 L. Glen Shields  
1964 James H. Lutz, Jr.  
1963 - -
1962 Vernon S. Baker
Carl J. Bash
James H. Shelton
James W. Jardine
1961 - -
1960 Stephen M. Bailey
Edwin W. Beale
William C. Hughes
1959 John K. Dorsey
Joseph W. Lucas
1958 Dr. Henry Pleasants, Jr.
Walter Spencer
George Roesinger
1957 Stephen H. Gilmore
Joseph Hirshstein
Norbett Melnick
Dr. John Porterfield
1956 Walter A. Dunn Clarence I. Sterling, Jr.
1955 Robert E. Murphy David B. Lee
1954 Joseph J. Crotty  
1953 Emil Haenig Dr. Lyman James Briggs
1952 Thomas Claffy O.J. Muegge
1951 George J. Dehn Frank H. Dains
1950 William C. Groeniger Ladies Auxiliary
1949 Herbert L. Schaller  
Year Recipient  
2014 Ciro Gaimari
Barry Pines
2013 Dana Colombo
Scott Hamilton
Steve Silber
2012 Matthew King III
Donald R. Summers, Jr.
Ralph Yanora
2011 William Hall
William Keene
2010 Donald Kool  
2009 Stuart Asay
Michael McGaughan
Ron Murray
Cindy Zatto
2008  -  
2007 John Jordan, Jr.
Meryl Lyn Culver Moss
Kevin Sherlock
2006 Albert Gehrke
James Majerowicz
James Sullivan
2005 Susan Olson Lisowski
Robert Ryan
David Viola
2004 Diana J. Corcoran
Peter Marzec
Linden Raimer
2003 Edward Edelman
Charles Magnelli
2002 Cary Bauer
James Bickford
Robert Cross
A. Richard Emmerson
Charles Jensen
Joseph Kajak
2001 Sean Cleary
Ralph Hoffman
John Lauer
Leonard McCue
Thomas Molnar
Carl Triphahn
2000 Craig Bing
Sidney L. Cavanaugh
Patrick J. Higgins
Robert R. Robinson
Joseph C. Zaffuto, PE
1999 Paul Bladdick
Joseph Fugelo
Robert D. Tesar
1998 Rand Ackroyd
Edward Lyczko
1997 Anthony Rini
Carl Schroeder
Joseph Soreth, Jr.
1996 John Barbieri. Sr.  
1995 George H. Bliss III
John Flader
Zeke Gropper
Morton Hirsch
Kenneth J. Kerr
Rich O'Connor
Gerald Phariss
1994 Harry Hild
Jules Leibman
John Matthews
1993 Gunnar O. Collins
Raymond Ehrlich
David Fischer
Kenneth Klein, P.E.
Joe Sazma
1992 William Christ
John Gallagher
Axel Nelson
Richard Prospal
Donald Reichartz
Patrick Sugrue
Robert Zeuner
1991 Norman Benoit
Julian S. Jackson
Patricia McGarvie
John R. Nussbaum
Daniel E. Quintell
Richard Woods
1990 Richard Blackburn
Salvatore Farruggia
James McCarthy
1989 Robert Cruickshank
Clifford Storm
1988 Kenneth Conover
Ronald Zych
1987 James Ledwith
Robert Schnarr
1986 Gaetano DiPietro
Leroy Hasey
Charles Peebles
1985 George E. Broomell, Jr.
Peter Diamond
David F. Hanson
Toni Montagna
Raymond Wade
1984 John Barrett
Alex Hodlofski
Gerald Sullivan
Melvin Yampolsky
1983 Charlie J. Hall, Sr.
Sidney Volov
1982 John Bojan
Edward F. Brabec
W. James Corbett
John F. Harkins
H. Graford Jennings
George Jerus
Ronald Knaeble
Richard Morin
Joseph S. Petro
William Reichert
Richard H. Toder
Alex Weinberg
1981 James R. Boates
Owen Courtney
Edward Dugdale
William McNally
Ervin Mirr
Wilbur Nadel
1980 Carl J. Bash
Art Bayen
C.J. Bielanski
Raymond J. Brown
James Church
Albert Cohen
Art Ebert
T.R. Gillen
Tom McCarthy
Mike Mercury
Joseph Miele
Wylie Mitchell
Ralph Nelson
Herbert Panzer
Wesley R. Parker
Frank Richards
James Shelton
Rosemary Sherer
George Smart
Dominic Soffietto
Morris H. Weinberg
W. Wilbur White
Year Recipient  
2014 Jon Hansen  
2013 Edward J. Lyczko  
2012 No Award Given  
2011 No Award Given  
2010 David B. Mohile, Medical Engineering Services, Inc.
Steven Scandaliato, SDG, LLC
2009 Edward James Lyczko, IPP, Cleveland Clinic  
2008 Michael Keleman, In-Sink-Erator  
2007 John Watson, Sloan Valve Company  
2006 Terry Woolliscroft, BSc(Hons), FIPHE, Twyford Bathrooms, UK  
2005 Barry Walter, Hydro Designs  
2004 Jack Rosenberg, J.R. Associates  
2003 Ron Murray, Local 290 & Earl Diment, Portland Fire  
2002 Steve Allen, United Association  
2001 Due to 9/11 the Portland, OR meeting was cancelled. No award given.  
2000 Jack Poole, PE, Poole Consulting Services
Ruth Rimmer, Foundation for Burns and Trauma
1999 Rand Ackroyd, Rand Engineering
Jack Rosenberg, Jr. Associates
1998 Rand Ackroyd, Rand Engineering  
1997 Frank Radics, PE, New York and New Jersey Port Authority  
1996 Julius Ballanco, PE, J.B. Engineering & Code Consultants
Robert Purzycki, BAVCO
John Lauer, Sloan Valve Company
Daniel Davies, Research & Development Services
1995 Julius Ballanco, PE, J.B. Engineering & Code Consultants  
1994 Ned Towle, Towle Whitney Associates  
1993 Robert W. Furgeson, PE, Envirovac Inc.  
1992 Richard Sable, Seismic Design, Inc.  
1991 Jay Schultz, Conine Manufacturing Co.  
1990 Herbert Panzer, Warren & Panzer Engineers  
1989 Kathie K. Jones, Gulf South Industries  
1988 John Irwin, Thetford Corp.  
1987 Ken Diamond, Monogram Products  
1986 Valentine Lehr, Lehr & Associates  
1985 Andrew Kireta, Copper Development Association  
1984 James Whitelaw, FEBCO  
Year Recipient  
2014 Illinois Chapter  
2013 Northern Ohio Chapter  
2012 Florida Chapter  
2011 Illinois Chapter  
2010 No award given.  
2009 New York Chapter  
2008 Northern Ohio Chapter  
2007 Illinois Chapter  
2006 Illinois Chapter  
2005 Northern Ohio Chapter  
2004 New York Chapter  
2003 New York Chapter  
2002 Texas Gulf Coast Chapter  
2001 Illinois Chapter  
2000 Texas Gulf Coast Chapter  
1999 New York Chapter  
1998 New York Chapter  
1997 Illinois Chapter  
1996 Michigan Chapter  
1995 Heart of Texas Chapter  
1994 Illinois Chapter  
1993 Illinois Chapter  
1992 Northern Ohio Chapter  
1991 Southern Ohio Chapter  
1990 Florida Chapter  
1989 Illinois Chapter  
1988 Illinois Chapter  
1987 Illinois Chapter  
1986 New York Chapter  
1985 Minnesota Chapter  
1984 Florida Chapter  
1983 Illinois Chapter  
1982 Illinois Chapter  
1981 Pennsylvania Chapter  
1980 New York Chapter  
1979 Florida Chapter  
1978 New York Chapter  
1977 New York Chapter  
1976 Illinois Chapter  
Year Recipient  
2011 D.J. Berger, LA
Patrick Murray, FL
2010  Kenny Whitson, OKC  
2009  James Bickford., FL  
2008  Donald Summers, Jr., MO  
2007  James Majerowicz, IL  
2006  Ralph Yanora, NEPA  
2005  Ron Murray, PNW  
2004  John Jordan, TGC  
2003  No award given.  
2002  James Bickford, FL  
2001  James Bickford, FL  
1999 Sean Cleary, NPA
Robert Zeuner, NY
1998  Sandy Lawson, CO  
1997 Jim Majerowicz, IL
Rich O’Connor, IL
1994  Phillip Lord, HOT  
1992  Natasha Cannon, FLGS  
1991  Gene Wagner, FL  
1990  Mel Yampolsky, FL  
1989  Clifford Storm, FL  
1988  Peter Diamond, IL  
Year Recipient  
2014 Gary Howard, IL  
2013 Matt Marciniak, WI  
2012 Sean Cleary, IPP, NEPA  
2009 Ron Murray, PNW  
2008 Edward J. Lyczko, NOH  
2007 Rand Ackroyd, MAL  
2006 John Nussbaum, MI  
2006 Edward Lyczko, NOH  
2005 James Bickford, FL  
2005 Robert M. Aagaard, MN  
2004 Richard J. Prospal, NOH  
2003 John Matthews, PE, MI  
Year Recipient  
2014 Scott Hamilton, WI  
2013 Donald R. Sumemrs, Jr., MO  
2012 Steve Silber CA  
2011 Sean Cleary, NEPA  
2010 Steve Silber, CA  
2009 Sean Cleary, NEPA  
2008 Shannon M. Corcoran, NOH  
2007 Robert R. Robinson, TGC  
2006 Matthew King, III, NEPA  
2005 Paul R. Bladdick, MI  
2004 Diana J. Corcoran, NOH
Joseph C. Zaffuto, PE, NOH
2003 Patrick Sugrue, NOH  
2002 Gunnar O. Collins, IL
Richard H. Morin, IL
2001 Gerald Phariss, TX
Patricia McGarvie, NY
2000 Anthony Rini, III, NY
John E. Matthews, PE, MI
1999 Gerald Phariss, TX  
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