ASSE International has always relied on members and industry professionals to serve on our various committees and working groups in order to develop new standards and publications, develop program guidelines, act as industry subject matter experts, and help determine the direction of ASSE International business.


ASSE International members have the opportunity to contribute by participating in the many committees that drive the focus and direction of the organization. If you have yet to be part of a committee please consider it – becoming more involved in ASSE International will be very rewarding. If you are a current committee member, think of someone you know in our industry who could offer their expertise and encourage them to join and participate in our committee work.


The Awards Committee has the responsibility of accepting and reviewing nominations for national awards and making a recommendation to the ASSE Board of Directors. The Awards Committee may also recommend that an award not be given for a specific year. All awards are subject to the approval of the ASSE Board, based on the recommendations of the Awards Committee. Awards are presented at the Annual Meeting. Nominations for all awards must be submitted by August 1st. Nomination forms can be found on the ASSE website. See the Awards section of these policies for descriptions of the national awards.

The Backflow Advisory Committee serves as the industry subject matter experts advising ASSE International in matters concerning cross-connection control and backflow prevention.

The Budget and Finance Committee is appointed by the International President from members of the ASSE Board. The Treasurer shall serve as Chairperson. The Budget and Finance Committee shall review the proposed budget for the upcoming fiscal year. The committee studies and recommends to the ASSE Board ways and means to finance operations of ASSE International.

The Bylaws Committee shall be a standing committee consisting of a minimum of five (5) people. Proposed deletions, revisions or additions to the Bylaws must be submitted to the Principal Office on or before June 1st of the current year. The proponent of a change must include justification for the proposal. Proposed changes shall be accepted only from members in good standing. If the Bylaws Committee, in collaboration with staff, determines that proposed changes are not in conflict with IAPMO or ASSE Bylaws, governing documents or policies, the change will be brought to the membership for consideration at the Annual Meeting. The Principal Office shall announce the proposed changes on the website and/or in ASSE publications at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting.

The CCC Technical Committee is an advisory committee for the Series 5000 Cross-Connection Control Certification Program. The Committee reviews and approves the program, including the program guidelines, the question databank, equivalent certifications and ASSE International test procedures.

The CCC Proctor Committee reviews all applications for cross-connection control proctors applying as part of the Series 5000 Cross-Connection Control Certification Program. The criteria used to approve or disapprove applications is found in the Guidelines for the CCC program. This committee reports to the CCC Technical Committee.

The CCC School/Instructor Committee reviews all applications for cross-connection control schools and instructors applying to provide training as part of the Series 5000 Cross-Connection Control Certification Program. The criteria used to approve or disapprove applications is found in the Guidelines for the CCC program. This committee reports to the CCC Technical Committee.

The Code Development Committee (CDC) is advisory to the ASSE Board of Directors. Its primary purpose is to get ASSE standards adopted into codes. The CDC develops new code language, reviews and responds to proposed changes to national, local, and Canadian codes, provides a venue for public/membership interaction, and provides a member benefit by communicating all code information and updates that involve ASSE standards or affect ASSE International. The primary focus is on the plumbing and mechanical model codes. The committee members shall remain impartial and act in the best interest of ASSE International. CDC members may not represent ASSE without the recommendation of the ASSE Board and prior approval of the IAPMO CEO.

The Election Committee consists of five (5) members of ASSE International and oversees the election of ASSE International Officers, Regional Directors, and Manufacturers’ Representative. The Principal Office shall announce on the website and/or in ASSE publications, by no later than June 1st, which positions will be open, and that the nomination form is available. It shall be the responsibility of the Election Committee to accept and verify the accuracy and completeness of the nominating forms for all candidates for office. All nominations made from the floor at the Annual Meeting shall be verified by the Election Committee members present at the Annual Meeting. Nomination forms must be submitted by August 1st. Nominations may also be accepted from the floor.

The Executive Committee consists of the International President, Vice President, Treasurer and Immediate Past President. The Executive Committee shall meet at the discretion of the International President and/or ASSE Board to discuss any business pertinent to ASSE International and recommend action to be taken by the ASSE Board.

As per the Quality Control Manual, the Executive Management Committee shall annually review the current Product Listing Program requirements and procedures, including the ASSE International Seal Control Board Procedures and Quality Control Manual, to ensure that the program continues to meet the industry needs and applicable industry standards through effective quality management and promotion. The committee consist of the ASSE Executive Director, Manager of Certification and Standards, and the Director of Standards Development ASSE.

The Impartiality Committee evaluates the impartiality of the Product Certification Program to ensure that decisions made and actions taken do not succumb to commercial, financial or other pressures that could compromise impartiality, and reports findings during management review. The committee meets not less than once each year.

The ASSE International President may appoint Liaisons to industry organizations and associations as deemed appropriate.

The Membership Committee suggests measures for increasing the value of and numbers in the membership of ASSE International.

The Past Presidents Committee is made up of all living past presidents of the American Society of Sanitary Engineering and ASSE international. The committee may be called upon to act in an advisory role to the ASSE International Board of Directors.

The Product Standards Committee is the balanced consensus body that reviews applications for new product standards, recommends to the Board of Directors whether a new standard should be developed, and reviews existing standards to determine if they should be revised, reaffirmed or withdrawn in accordance with the ASSE/IAPMO Policies and Procedures for Consensus Development of American National Standards PP-1 and/or Policies and Procedures for Development of National Standards of Canada PP-2.

The Product Standards Committee reviews all draft standards and votes on whether to approve them. The Product Standards Committee shall comply with the IAPMO Patent Policy. Voting members shall be appointed by the International President and the Executive Standards Committee as per the ASSE/IAPMO Policies and Procedures for Consensus Development of American National Standards. Appointments shall be by the International President and the Executive Standards Committee as per the ASSE/IAPMO Policies and Procedures for Consensus Development of American National Standards and Policies and Procedures for Development of National Standards of Canada PP-2.

The term of appointment is 2 years.

The scope of the Product Standards Committee of ASSE International shall be the development of product standards which incorporate test procedures for assemblies, devices, fixtures, appliances, and materials pertaining to plumbing and piping systems which are in the interest of protecting the public health. These product standards shall include requirements for safety, health, and performance. They may also include requirements such as construction, maintenance and operation of equipment and materials for plumbing and piping systems.

The Professional Qualifications Standards Committee is the balanced consensus body that reviews applications for new personnel certification standards and recommends to the Board of Directors whether a new standard should be developed, and reviews existing standards to determine if they should be revised, reaffirmed, or withdrawn in accordance with the ASSE/IAPMO Policies and Procedures for Consensus Development of American National Standards PP-1 and/or Policies and Procedures for Development of National Standards of Canada PP-2.

The Professional Qualifications Standards Committee reviews all draft standards and votes on whether to approve them. Voting members shall be appointed by the International President and the Executive Standards Committee as per the ASSE/IAPMO Policies and Procedures for Consensus Development of American National Standards and Policies and Procedures for Development of National Standards of Canada PP-2.

Appointments shall be by the International President and the Executive Standards Committee as per the ASSE/IAPMO Policies and Procedures for Consensus Development of American National Standards and Policies and Procedures for Development of National Standards of Canada PP-2.

The term of appointment is 2 years.

The scope of the Professional Qualifications Standards Committee of ASSE International shall be the development of professional qualifications standards which incorporate educational, training and industry experience requirements pertaining to the installation, inspection or design of plumbing, fire protection and mechanical systems which are in the interest of protecting the public health.

The PQ Technical Committee is made up of the chairperson of the Professional Qualifications Standards Committee and the chairpersons of each of the professional certification program technical committees. The committee is chaired by the International President and meets a minimum of once each year. This committee helps to maintain continuity among the professional qualifications certification programs.

The Seal Control Board Committee is a standing committee made up of ASSE International members. The Seal Control Board shall review applications for an ASSE International Seal, as outlined in the ASSE International Seal Control Procedures and the ASSE International ASSE/IAPMO quality system.

Technical Committees are advisory committees that provide technical guidance to the various ASSE professional certification programs. Each committee is made up of subject matter experts from the industries served by that certification program. They review and approve the program guidelines, exam questions, practical exams and equivalent certifications. They may also include subcommittees to review and approve applications for training providers, instructors and proctors. The ASSE Technical Committees include:


  • Infection Control (12000)
  • Cross-Connection Control (5000)
  • Fire Protection (15000/27000)
  • Hydronic Technical (19000)
  • Rainwater Catchment (21000)
  • Residential Fire Sprinkler (7000)
  • Residential HVAC (13020)
  • Service Plumber (13010)
  • Water Treatment Equipment (22000)

Professional Qualifications Complaint Review Board is a committee comprised of the current International Past President of ASSE serving as Chair and four other individuals as appointed by the current ASSE International President. This body will work with staff to review official professional certification-related complaints submitted to ASSE against currently certified individuals, or against schools, instructors or proctors. The Complaint Review Board will be responsible for making a decision regarding either the dismissal of the complaint or action to be taken regarding the individual or entity in question per ASSE’s policies.

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