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Active Active membership is for individuals who are active in a plumbing, mechanical, or engineering related field. Half price new membership applies to those who are not current or past members of ASSE International.
Student Student membership is extended to registered apprentices in an apprenticeship program duly recognized by state, federal, or local laws governing apprenticeship, and full time students enrolled in a school, university, or college studying plumbing, plumbing design, or engineering. * There is a maximum time limit of five years for student membership.
Sustaining The ASSE Sustaining Member and IAPMO Organizational Member are recognized as product manufacturers, national or international institutes, societies, trade or professional associations, and associations or organizations affiliated with the plumbing, mechanical, water treatment and construction fields desiring to recognize, advance, and support the Associations and its purposes. An ASSE Sustaining Member and IAPMO Organizational Member shall have one (1) vote in the affairs of both the Associations and shall pay dues as determined in accordance with the Bylaws of both ASSE and IAPMO. The member shall designate in writing one (1) person to exercise its one (1) vote in both associations in a manner prescribed by the Boards of Directors.
Government Government membership is extended to individuals employed by local, county, state, or federal agencies involved in regulating the plumbing and mechanical field. Government employees may join ASSE International with the same privileges as an Active member. To qualify, members may be required to submit written documentation confirming that they are actively employed by a government entity (letter from government entity on letterhead, copy of government identification/license, etc.).
Retired Retired membership is extended to individuals who have been members in good standing for a period of no less than three years and have retired from active participation in their profession. Retired members receive a discounted rate on their dues. To qualify, members must inform the ASSE International office that they have retired from their active profession.
Honorary Honorary membership is extended to nonmembers who, by outstanding service and devotion to the aims and purposes of ASSE, have earned special recognition. Recommendation of candidates for Honorary membership are presented at the Annual Meeting and must be endorsed by the Board before being submitted to the general membership in attendance for ballot. Honorary members are exempt from the payment of dues.
Life Extended to an Active member who has completed 25 continuous years as a member of ASSE International and who has retired from active participation in their profession or reached the age of 70 years. Past Presidents automatically become Life members. Life members have the same privileges as Active members and are exempt from payment of dues. A letter stating that they have retired from their active profession and have been a member in good standing for a minimum of 25 years is required.


For product manufacturers, institutes, societies, associations, and organizations

ASSE Sustaining Membership comes with the added benefit of dual membership in ASSE International and the International Association of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials (IAPMO). Companies join ASSE and IAPMO for a variety of reasons, but are particularly interested in the product standards, code activities, and product certification services that both organizations provide. To help introduce companies, manufacturers, institutes, societies, associations, and organizations to all that ASSE and IAPMO have to offer, as well as expand the benefits of ASSE Sustaining Membership, these members pay one fee and become members of both organizations.

In addition to the ASSE benefits listed above, ASSE Sustaining Members also enjoy the following privileges that come with IAPMO membership:

Checkmark Icon Complimentary copies of current Code Editions

Complimentary copy of the current Uniform Plumbing Code and Uniform Mechanical Code, and a new edition every code cycle (every 3 years)

Checkmark Icon Membership Card and Pin

IAPMO membership card and annual “IAPMO Member” pin

Checkmark Icon Free Support

Free code interpretations

Checkmark Icon Committee Opportunities

Opportunity to serve on IAPMO’s plumbing and mechanical committees

Checkmark Icon Member Discounts

Member discounts on IAPMO standards, publications, seminars, webinars, and educational courses

Checkmark Icon Discounted Registration Fees

Discounted registration fees for the annual IAPMO Education and Business Conference

Checkmark Icon Voting Rights

Voting rights at the annual IAPMO Education and Business Conference

Checkmark Icon Complimentary Magazine Subscription (Print Version)

Complimentary print subscription to IAPMO’s award-winning OFFICIAL magazine

Checkmark Icon eNewsletter

Electronic eOfficial newsletter

Checkmark Icon Local IAPMO Chapter Opportunities

Eligibility to become an officer of a local IAPMO chapter

Checkmark Icon IAPMO Member Logo Usage

Authorization to use IAPMO’s member logo on your website, letterhead, business cards, etc.

For membership questions, please Contact Us, or to pay dues by phone, please call (909) 230-5525.

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