(Full address including city, state, zip etc.)
Evidence of general knowledge and competence in the scope (work) of the Working Group
Specific relationship of applicant to one or more elements of the scope of the Committee
Participation in the work of the Working Group including responding to correspondence and attending meetings


Please list any working groups you would like to be REMOVED from.
Conflict of Interest

You are obligated to declare any actual or potential conflicts of interest.

You agree to comply with the rules defined by ASSE including those related to confidentiality and independence from commercial and other interests.

You shall declare immediately any prior or present association on your own part, or on the part of your immediate family or employer, with any Applicant, agent, supplier, employee, owner, or member thereof. You shall also declare herewith any prior or present association on your own part, or on the part of your employer or immediate family with any ASSE recognized school, proctor, or instructor. You shall not be assigned to evaluate entities for certification, listing, or recognition for a period of two (2) years after the conclusion of such.

Please declare any entity which could contribute to any potential conflict of interest (Entity Name and Date of Association)


If appointed, I agree to abide by the procedures outlined in the ASSE International Procedures for the development of Standards for the Plumbing Industry, and the procedures of the American National Standards Institute. I hereby agree to notify the Standards Coordinator and the Committee Chair of any change in status - including employment, representation, or funding. I also agree that ASSE shall have, and I hereby grant, all and full rights in copyright in any material which I author, either individually or with others, as a member of a Working Group, or which I submit for the proposed use of the Working Group in an ASSE Standard (product performance or professional qualification) or other ASSE publication. I further acknowledge that I acquire no rights in any publication of ASSE and the copyright and all rights in all materials produced by an ASSE Working Group are owned by ASSE and that ASSE may register copyright in its own name. 

I agree to and acknowledge the terms of this agreement and affirm that all disclosures made herein are complete and accurate.

By clicking 'Submit,' you consent to our use of the information you provide in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.



In the course of your service on an ASSE committee, you may have access to confidential materials submitted by persons or entities seeking ASSE certification, or
approval (“Applicants”). This Confidentiality Agreement governs your responsibility with respect to those documents.

As an ASSE International (ASSE) employee, agent, contractor, subcontractor or committee member you agree to use all confidential information received from any
Applicant, its directors, officers, employees or agents including, without limitation, any confidential training materials, presentations, curriculum, designs, layouts, or any other confidential business matters relating to applicant (collectively, the "Data"), solely only in connection with the required evaluations to be performed in the course of your service on the committee.

You shall maintain the Data in strictest confidence and shall not disclose the Data to any person (the term "'person" to be construed to the broadest sense) other than ASSE unless given the express prior written consent of applicant or as may be required by any applicable laws or regulations, subpoena from a court of law, or other court order or decree.

For purposes of this Agreement, the term Data does not include any information which (i) becomes generally available to the public other than as a result of a disclosure by you or ASSE, (ii) was available to you or ASSE on a non-confidential basis prior to its disclosure to ASSE by Applicant, its directors, officers, employees or agents, or (iii) becomes available to you or ASSE on a non-confidential basis from a source other than Applicant, its directors, officers, employees or agents, provided that such source is not bound by a confidentiality agreement with Applicant or otherwise prohibited from transmitting the Data to ASSE by an contractual, legal or fiduciary obligation.

When you serve in this role, you make a commitment to maintain impartiality and avoid bias, including bias that may arise from: self-interest, self-review, advocacy, over-familiarity, intimidation, competition, or other any other source. 

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