By working together, we protect the health and safety of the public. So many of ASSE International members and chapters have contributed greatly to our organization and are worthy of awards - please consider nominating one of these many accomplished individuals and chapters so they may receive the recognition they deserve.


After reviewing the award descriptions below, please download the appropriate nomination form to nominate an individual or chapter.

Salvatore J. Farruggia Presidential Award

Salvatore J. Farruggia Presidential Award

The recipient is chosen by the outgoing international president and is presented to an individual that has contributed to the success of that president's term in office.

2023 recipient: Jason Shank (right)

Most New Members Award

Most New Members Award

Presented to the chapter that recruited the most new members between September 1 and August 31 of the current year.

2023 recipient: Pennsylvania Chapter
accepted by Gregory Beck (right)

Best Media Presence Award

Best Media Presence Award

Presented to the chapter with the most outstanding newsletter and the best website.

Dewey R. Dedrick Jr. Award: Central Texas Chapter (accepted by Daniel Rademacher)
2023 recipient: Central Texas Chapter
accepted by Daniel Rademacher

Dewey R. Dedrick Award

The Dewey R. Dedrick, Jr. Award was established in memory of the first president to pass away during his presidency. This award is presented to a chapter of ASSE International that has demonstrated enthusiasm and progress on the chapter level. Any member of ASSE may nominate their chapter or another chapter for this award.

Fellow (FASSE) Award: Kenneth Schneider (accepted by Joseph Fernandez, Jr.)
2023 recipient: Kenneth Schneider
accepted by Joseph Fernandez, Jr. (left)

Fellow (FASSE) Award

The Fellow Award is a prestigious award presented to a candidate that has been a dues paying member in good standing for a minimum of five (5) years. The candidate shall have served in an exemplary manner as an Officer, Regional Director or committee person for a period of not less than five (5) years at either the chapter level or the national level. No more than three members may be elevated to Fellow status annually. All International Presidents of ASSE International shall achieve Fellow status without further action of the ASSE Board. All recipients of this award shall be permitted to use the designation “FASSE” after their name.

Henry B. Davis Award: Dana Colombo
2023 recipient: Dana Colombo (right)

Henry B. Davis Award

The Henry B. Davis Award, named after the American Society of Sanitary Engineering’s founding president, may be awarded to just one recipient annually. It is awarded to a member who has contributed toward the advancement of sanitary engineering in accord with the ideals of ASSE International.

Patrick J. Higgins Award: Daniel Rademacher
2023 recipient: Daniel Rademacher (right)

Patrick J. Higgins Award

The Patrick J. Higgins Award, for outstanding contributions in the field of plumbing codes and standards, was named for a member who contributed greatly to the development and acceptance of ASSE standards internationally. The award shall be given to a person who demonstrates both knowledge and support of voluntary, consensus standards and their adoption into code. Nominations shall be submitted by ASSE International members in good standing; however, the nominee is not required to be a member. Nominations shall include a biography the candidate’s achievement in codes and standards.

Rand Ankroyd Award: Rita Neiderheiser (accepted by Doreen Cannon)
2023 recipient: Rita Neiderheiser
accepted by Doreen Cannon (left)

Rand Ackroyd Award

The Rand Ackroyd Award is presented to an individual that has expressed a thorough knowledge and true dedication to the ASSE backflow prevention program or the backflow prevention industry by their efforts in protecting our drinking water through cross-connection control and education. Nominations shall be submitted by ASSE International members in good standing; however, the nominee is not required to be a member. Nominations shall include a biography of the candidate’s achievements in backflow prevention and cross-connection control



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